
Event binding

jQuery event binding

Bind events with jQuery with standard jQuery event methods .on(), .off(), and .one(). Event names are namespaced with .flickity.

// jQuery
function listener(/* parameters */) {
  console.log('eventName happened');
// bind event listener
$carousel.on( 'eventName.flickity', listener );
// unbind event listener
$ 'eventName.flickity', listener );
// bind event listener to trigger once. note ONE not ON
$ 'eventName.flickity', function() {
  console.log('eventName happened just once');

Vanilla JS event binding

Bind events with vanilla JS with .on(), .off(), and .once() methods.

// vanilla JS
function listener(/* parameters */) {
  console.log('eventName happened');
// bind event listener
flkty.on( 'eventName', listener );
// unbind event listener 'eventName', listener );
// bind event listener to trigger once. note ONCE not ONE or ON
flkty.once( 'eventName', function() {
  console.log('eventName happened just once');

Events demo

Play around with this carousel to see how events are triggered.

Time Event

Flickity events


Triggered when a slide is selected.

This event was previously cellSelect in Flickity v1. cellSelect will continue to work in Flickity v2.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'select.flickity', function() {
  console.log( 'Flickity select ' + flkty.selectedIndex )
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'select', function() {...})

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Triggered when the slider is settled at its end position.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'settle.flickity', function() {
  console.log( 'Flickity settled at ' + flkty.selectedIndex )
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'settle', function() {...})

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Triggered when the slider moves.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'scroll.flickity', function( event, progress ) {
  console.log( 'Flickity scrolled ' + progress * 100 + '%' )
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'scroll', function( progress ) {...})

progress Number How far slider has moved, from 0 at the first slide to 1 at the end

$carousel.on( 'scroll.flickity', function( event, progress ) {
  progress = Math.max( 0, Math.min( 1, progress ) );
  $progressBar.width( progress * 100 + '%' );

Use scroll to create parallax effects.

var flkty = $'flickity');
var $imgs = $('.carousel-cell img');

$carousel.on( 'scroll.flickity', function( event, progress ) {
  flkty.slides.forEach( function( slide, i ) {
    var img = $imgs[i];
    var x = ( + flkty.x ) * -1/3; = 'translateX( ' + x  + 'px)';
var cellRatio = 0.6; // outerWidth of cell / width of carousel
var bgRatio = 0.8; // width of background layer / width of carousel
var fgRatio = 1.25; // width of foreground layer / width of carousel

$carousel.on( 'scroll.flickity', function( event, progress ) {
  moveParallaxLayer( $background, bgRatio, progress );
  moveParallaxLayer( $foreground, fgRatio, progress );
// trigger initial scroll

var flkty = $'flickity');
var count = flkty.slides.length - 1;

function moveParallaxLayer( $layer, layerRatio, progress ) {
  var ratio = cellRatio * layerRatio;
    left: ( 0.5 - ( 0.5 + progress * count ) * ratio ) * 100 + '%'


Triggered when dragging starts and the slider starts moving.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'dragStart.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'dragStart', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousedown, touchstart, or pointerdown.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when dragging moves and the slider moves.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'dragMove.flickity', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'dragMove', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousemove, touchmove, or pointermove.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

moveVector Object How far the pointer has moved from its start position { x: 20, y: -30 }.

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Triggered when dragging ends.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'dragEnd.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'dragEnd', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mouseup, touchend, or pointerup.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when the user's pointer (mouse, touch, pointer) presses down.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'pointerDown.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'pointerDown', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousedown, touchstart, or pointerdown.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when the user's pointer moves.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'pointerMove.flickity', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'pointerMove', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousemove, touchmove, or pointermove.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

moveVector Object How far the pointer has moved from its start position { x: 20, y: -30 }.

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Triggered when the user's pointer unpresses.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'pointerUp.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'pointerUp', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mouseup, touchend, or pointerup.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when the user's pointer is pressed and unpressed and has not moved enough to start dragging.

click events are hard to detect with draggable UI, as they are triggered whenever a user drags. Flickity's staticClick event resolves this, as it is triggered when the user has not dragged.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'staticClick.flickity', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'staticClick', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {...})

event Event Original event object.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

cellElement Element If a cell was clicked, the element.

cellIndex Integer If a cell was clicked, the cell’s zero-based index.

Use the cellElement and cellIndex parameters to detect what cell was clicked.

$carousel.on( 'staticClick.flickity', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {
  // dismiss if cell was not clicked
  if ( !cellElement ) {
  // change cell background with .is-clicked
  $( cellElement ).addClass('is-clicked');
  $logger.text( 'Cell ' + ( cellIndex + 1 )  + ' clicked' );

Click cells


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Triggered after an image has been loaded with lazyLoad.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'lazyLoad.flickity', function( event, cellElement ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'lazyLoad', function( event, cellElement ) {...})

event Event Original event object.

cellElement Element The image's cell element.

lazyLoad is triggered on both valid images and broken images. Check event.type to see if the loaded image was loaded with load or error. Use to access the loaded image.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'lazyLoad.flickity', function( event, cellElement ) {
  var img =;
  console.log( event.originalEvent.type, img.src );
  // load or error on src

// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'lazyLoad', function( event, cellElement ) {
  var img =;
  console.log( event.type, img.src );

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Triggered after a background image has been loaded with bgLazyLoad.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'bgLazyLoad.flickity', function( event, element ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'bgLazyLoad', function( event, element ) {...})

event Event Original event object.

element Element The element of the background image.